
Navigation & Auction Procedures

Welcome!  Browse the home page for the 64 Awesome Auctions (TM) set to expire the soonest (in order of soonest expire-time to most distant expire-time) so long as no further bidding occurs.  If there is a right-to-left sliding row of auction posts at the top of the home page, those will always be the 5 auctions that are nearest to their expire-time.  Under the "PREMIUM LISTING" heading near the top of the home page, you will find auction posts or promotional posts our Administrator wants to call your attention to.  Under the "LATEST LISTINGS" heading on the home page you will find the 64 active auctions nearest to their expire-time in order of expire-time. 


Scroll to the bottom of the home page and see a green "View All" button.  Clicking this will present the 12 nearest-to-expire auctions on your screen and present you with a navigation button at bottom to take you to the next 12 about-to-expire auctions and so on.  In this fashion you can scroll thru every active auction on the site and continue scrolling to even see the expired auctions. 


Our Awesome Auctions (TM) clock expires when 24 hours has passed with no new bids.  Expire-times reset 24-hours into the future each time a bid is received so all bidders always have 24 hours after a competing bid to bid again if they wish to. 


If you win an auction, you will receive an email informing you of your auction win (check spam folder). Winning bidders must make their purchase or layaway their win within 3 days of the auction's closing or risk being deactivated with no further bidding privileges.  If you're a winner, just give a call at 865.851.6100 and we'll get you fixed up whether to purchase outright or to utilize our Marriage-Saver (TM) 10%-down layaway plan.